Three Ways A Montessori Education Will Benefit Your Child Later In Life

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Improving Your Life Through Education

My parents were poor when I was a kid, and they explained that I might not have the same opportunities as other kids. However, I wanted to prove them wrong, so I tried really hard to succeed in school. By the time I was almost done with high school, I had secured a great scholarship at a local university. Those college years taught me a lot about how the world works, and it made it possible for me to succeed later in life. This blog is all about improving your life through education, so that you can see the world the way that you want to see it.

Three Ways A Montessori Education Will Benefit Your Child Later In Life

13 October 2015
 Categories: Education & Development, Articles

When exploring daycare and preschool options for your child, you may come across some schools that use the Montessori method. This teaching philosophy is based on the idea that children learn most effectively when engaging in self-directed, hands-on activities. Montessori schools allow children to make more decisions regarding their learning, and teachers serve more as guides, helping the students navigate their own way through age-appropriate materials and activities. While this format may sound a bit different from the traditional education style you're used to and likely experienced as a child, it has many benefits. Here's a look at three ways a Montessori education will continue to benefit your child later in life.

Your child will develop a strong sense of individuality and will be familiar with his or her own strengths and weaknesses.

The Montessori method allows each child to explore what he or she finds most interesting and engaging. If he or she shows aptitude for music, for example, those skills will become obvious early on, and they can be honed over a lifetime. As a result of this process, your child will learn early on what his or her preferred activities and talents are. In a world where so many people end up in careers that they find unfulfilling or misaligned with their natural skill set, being familiar with one's own strengths and weaknesses will be a huge benefit for your child when the time comes to choose a college major, and later, a career.

Your child will learn to critique his or her own work and to accept critiques from others.

An important part of the Montessori educational philosophy is learning to critique one's own work. Your child's teachers will work with him or her to identify areas where work can be improved and to then make those improvements. Through this process, your child will learn that everyone makes mistakes and that there is always room for improvement. He or she will become adept at accepting criticism and learning from mistakes, rather than expecting perfection or becoming disheartened at the slightest failure. This mindset is bound to serve your child well when he or she enters the competitive workforce and has work critiqued by bosses and superiors. It will also be useful for children who pursue creative or entrepreneurial careers, as they will be able to correct themselves along the way rather than hardheadedly continuing down a path that they're afraid to admit has flaws.

Your child will learn that every person is an individual with unique ideas and talents to contribute to the world.

In other learning environments, children are often pushed to conform to one narrow definition of "smart." In such an environment, your child may learn to think that certain talents are more useful or valued than others. However, in the Montessori school environment, your child will see that each student is celebrated for what makes him or her unique. Your child will see those who are naturally gifted at math using their skills in a meaningful manner, and those who are gifted in art or music contributing in other equally meaningful ways. This mindset will make it easier for your child to form friendships and work collaboratively with those who have different talents. In many of today's careers, it's important for those with different skill sets to work together. For instance, web development requires the collaboration of math-savvy programmers and artistic designers. With a Montessori education, your child will enter the workforce prepared for this type of collaboration.

A Montessori education can begin when your child is daycare age and will continue through young adulthood. It differs vastly from the teaching philosophies used in most public schools, but since 1929, it has done an excellent job of preparing students not only for careers, but also for meaningful personal lives as engaged and interesting human beings. Enroll you child in a Montessori daycare, and as your child continues to grow, there will be so many times you are thankful you made that decision. If you would like to learn more about a Montessori education, check out a site like