Adult Education: Help Your Elderly Loved One Improve Their Literacy Skills

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Improving Your Life Through Education

My parents were poor when I was a kid, and they explained that I might not have the same opportunities as other kids. However, I wanted to prove them wrong, so I tried really hard to succeed in school. By the time I was almost done with high school, I had secured a great scholarship at a local university. Those college years taught me a lot about how the world works, and it made it possible for me to succeed later in life. This blog is all about improving your life through education, so that you can see the world the way that you want to see it.

Adult Education: Help Your Elderly Loved One Improve Their Literacy Skills

8 December 2015
 Categories: Education & Development, Articles

If your loved one is over 65 years of age and lost a job that didn't require them to read or write, such as factory work or housekeeping, you may wonder if there's a way to help them move forward in life if they don't have a formal education. An adult education center can help your loved one learn to read and write better through computer literacy, basic education and workforce readiness classes. The classes give your loved one an opportunity to increase their skill levels so that they can even earn their GED. Here's how adult education works and how it helps your loved one obtain a GED.

What's Adult Education and How Does It Work?

Adult education classes are designed to improve your loved one's literacy skills, which may make them more desirable to employers. Most centers offer three levels of skill training: basic, pre-GED and GED. The basic level is designed to teach the skills people learn in elementary school, while the pre-GED and GED courses prepare people for the GED test. A center may test your loved one's current skill level before placing them in any of the classes. Starting in the wrong skill level may discourage and frustrate your loved one during their time at an adult education center if they can't keep up with the courses.

In addition, if your loved one wants to take classes at home because they lack reliable transportation, suffer from health problems or live too far from school, they may have the option to sign up for online or weblearn classes. Weblearn classes usually follow the same course outlines or criteria as the classes given on campus. However, weblearn programs require students to view videos and listen to audio recordings to help them learn. If your loved one does need assistance with their work, they can contact an online instructor for clarification and help.

Because every center is different when it comes to how it offers classes, contact the adult education centers that interest your loved one to find out if they offer weblearn classes.

How Many Times Can Your Loved One Take the GED Test?

There's no set time on how long it takes to obtain a GED. In most cases, it depends on the individual and how well they do in school. Some students take the GED test multiple times before they successfully pass. Other students only need to take the GED test once to achieve their goals. One of the best things about adult education centers is how they work with students who can't successfully pass their GED tests until they can.

For instance, if your loved one repeatedly fails the math portion of their classes, an adult education center may offer individual instruction to help them overcome this problem. In most cases, your loved one only needs to retake the portion they fail and not the entire test. Once your loved one successfully passes math, they transition to the next level to obtain their GED diploma.

After your loved one successfully earns their GED from an adult education center, they have the option to attend college. Your friend or family member may decide to use their GED to move into a new career instead of return to their previous career choice.

Colleges, universities, trade schools, and vocational schools generally accept GED diplomas as alternative to high school diplomas. It's a good idea that your loved one contact the school they wish to attend after they achieve their goals. 

For more information about adult education centers or classes for your loved one, contact a center today.